Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Night shift 3 (don't worry I'll be here all week)

Christina, 5 years. This is her 4th heart surgery.

Snow! It snowed 2 inches last night. It's slushy and gross, though. The weather is very Ohio.

The hospital's advertisement for it's new CAT scan machine.

Reading Xrays.


Yum, yum. Vladimir's (the Anesthesiologist) wife (also an Anesthesiologist) made us food.

Stella. Day 1's 1st case. Still intubated. She's doing better. Hopefully she will get the tube out today.


Angelina after 8oz of formula.

Night shift #2

Darn it!

Back door to hospital.

Eva, 1 year. Doing very well.

Karina, 5 years. "wants to go"

Angelina, 1 year. Fussy, fussy, fussy.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Ukrainian food. Yum yum!

Potato and Mushroom dumplings.

Bread with garlic spread and beer!


Chicken ground, fried, and balled and potatoes extra butter. I had to dig in before I took the picture.

Before work tonight, we went to this fancy Ukrainian restaurant. These are the menus.

Decor in the restaurant.

Welcome to Ukraine!

This is the building we are staying in. #33 on the 8th floor. It's very nice.

This is the street in front. Those are light rail wires. Drivers are crazy!

Lori's and my bedroom. It's king size which takes the sting out of sharing.

There's a little Russian Orthodox chapel in front of the hospital.

Siblings playing in the hallway.

Stairs. The ICU is on the 6th floor. The OR is on the 8th. Whew.

The ORs have a gallery we can watch the operations from. The guy tying his hat is Chris Gilbert, a Pediatric Cardiac Surgeon from Memphis. He's very kind.

1st case of the 1st day, Stella. She is the one on the table above.

Nurses working in the ICU. They are very good here.