Monday, June 20, 2011

Katchemak Bay Kayaking

Haystack Beach, 2nd night and 3rd day.

Showing off my awesome parking know how (and reading ability).

China Poot Bay. We spent the first night in a yurt here.

Ray shows off his kayak skills.

Ray and his brother, Shane.

Lauren, is all that beer for you?

That's my boyfriend.

Gull Rock. Largest bird habitat in the area.

Lauren, a fellow ER nurse from Houston, TX.

Unloading the boats. Heather, Danny, and Ray Reeves plus the boat driver, also from Texas.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Chicken Fest!!!

Josh Low, Rama, and Ray.

My tent.

My neighbor, Amanda, Josh, Rama, my friends Erica and Zach, Ray, and Theresa and Carlyle.

The Chicken Gold Dredge. They make money by having people pay to tour it. We snuck in.

Rama and Ray enjoying some Tok Thai food from the Tok Thai truck, located not in Tok as you would expect, but in Glenn Allen, several hours south of Tok.