Friday, August 9, 2013

Corrections & Retractions

I hope that last post wasn't too much. I think when people read what you write out of context, it can cause some concern for your well being if it is particularly intense. However, I feel remarkably stable. Really, I do! In my psychological evaluation before departure, the lady said I was incredibly emotionally mature. See. I'm completely fine. No trouble here. I think in the typical day, my emotions rise and fall much more severely than they would in my real life. That's right. I'm only having fake life emotions right now.
But seriously, I feel like there's quite a bit of catharsis in writing things down. Especially when you're upset or mulling something over. Often I need to talk or write about my frustrations in order to properly process them. The last post definitely helped me evaluate how I was feeling about things and settle myself. Process complete.
I am still upset about the way some things are going. SOME things. That being said, a lot of things are going well and I'm fairly certain the frustrations I am having with this organization will persist throughout my assignment all the way until I leave the New York office in December. Fairly certain. Some things cannot be helped.
For now, I will, like all good recovering alcoholics: "accept the things I cannot change, have the courage to change the things I can, and look for the wisdom to know the difference."

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