Today I am tired. Tired of feeling overwhelmed by the sorrow of this place. Tired of people touching me in the market to see if my pale skin will rub off on their dark hands. Tired of the old people, the children, and many other random strangers asking me for money or food on my short walk to and from the hospital. Tired of the whole town seeming to know my name. Tired of being called Kawaja by everyone who doesn't know my name. Tired of being a constant source of entertainment simply because of my differentness. Tired of being teased and harassed by my patients' mothers. Tired of the people I work with in the hospital asking for my possessions. "That's a nice watch. You give it to me. You can get more when you go home." "You give me your phone. You buy new one in the market." My phone isn't even mine. It's MSF's. Tired of finally feeling like things are running smoothly at the end of the day only to discover in horror that there were several deaths in the hospital overnight. Tired of everything I touch being dirty and fighting the constant swarms of bugs that bite or bravely fly directly into my eyes and mouth. Tired of there never being any soap or clean linen for the patients. Tired of eating rice. Tired of peeing into a hole filled with excrement. Tired of doing other things in that hole, too. Tired of feeling misunderstood by everyone. And tired of misunderstandings. Tired of the staff thinking that it's ok for me to work both night and day with no rest and complaining if I am not in the hospital every morning early and if I don't stay all day. I leave for one hour at lunch and everyone wants to know where I went. Am I not allowed to eat? Never mind if they show up late for their scheduled shifts or take a 2 hour lunch. It's exhausting. Tired of being asked to somehow produce an entire library of medical textbooks from somewhere and give a fresh set to everyone who asks. Tired of being asked to be both present in the ward and in the office. Tired of breakouts and bad hair days. Tired of no exercise. Tired of trying to explain to some folks back home that, no, I'm not having the time of my life. Tired of feeling irritated and irritable. Tired of never having any privacy. Tired of being tired of things.
Most of all, just plain tired. I'm tired, but I think I can go a little further.
Most of all, just plain tired. I'm tired, but I think I can go a little further.