Sunday, September 8, 2013

The Death Flour: Week 14

Something died in the flour. I'm sure of it. If I wanted to go carb-free, now is a good time. It's been about 6 weeks since I stopped eating anything containing flour because the taste of death was just getting to be too strong. Every now and then I forget and take a bite of something or other only to be instantly nauseated by the taste of moldy dead mouse or rat. At least I assume that the vomit inducing flavor I'm experiencing is what could only taste like long dead rat or mouse. It has to be, right?

Well at any rate quitting flour-based foods which is nearly everything we eat here in South Sudan has been fabulous for my figure. I'm slimming down, err, wasting away quite quickly and with very little effort on my part. Anywhere else in the world I would have to work for these kinds of results. AND as an added bonus (because I'm really concerned) I'm finally detoxing from all the processed flour and refined sugar I used to eat as a part of my American diet. Atkins diet all the way. Love me some red meat. I hear it's good for you. You know, protein and such. Besides, the skin and bones look is really in right now. Right? Right.

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